We’ve made a small change to the way the WMAP data is described to allow it to be accessible either through the standard Web interface or to remote users using our SkyView Jar.
Access isn’t quite the same as for most surveys. Normally when you access a SkyView survey using the jar, any raw files you want are downloaded and cached on your machine. That allows subsequent queries to run much faster. The WMAP data is treated rather like the DSS datasets. You can access it over the web using the SkyView jar, but no caching will be done.
The reason is similar to what happens in the DSS. Our caching framework assumes standardish FITS images, i.e., a 2 or 3 dimensional pixel array in the primary header of a FITS file. Each DSS image is broken up into hundreds of image tiles. The WMAP data uses HEALPix images where the pixels are stored as a table rather than an image. The caching code can’t handle these image types. If this is something you’d like to see, let us know and we can look at supporting caching for these surveys.
One other survey is not available at all through the jar. The Mellinger surveys are not public and so we do not distribute raw data for these at all so the jar cannot access the raw Mellinger data when run remotely.