Features in the Gallery: The GEICO Gecko?

One recent gallery entry shows — to me at least — a remarkable resemblance to the GEICO gecko.

or you can see it a lot bigger in its gallery entry.

This is a DSS blue image, and we don’t see anything at the same point in the DSS red.
So what is this If we zoom out a little we see this as an intense black region surrounded by a couple of bright spots. The bright spots don’t really look like stars — they have rings. My guess is that a couple of drops of some chemical got dropped on the plate and dissolved the plate emulsion. That left a just the glass in the central spot where we see the very black region. The DSS plates are scans of photgraphic negatives — so what we see as black is actually the most transparent region. As the drops dried out they became more circular and deposited the dissolved emulsion back on the glass plate, so the bright ‘stars’ are just the ‘sky’ that should have been seen in the black regions.

Or maybe someone’s selling flying saucer insurance for a savings of 15% or more.

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2 Responses to Features in the Gallery: The GEICO Gecko?

  1. hafsari says:

    nice post, I love to see a unique picture for me

  2. Muhammad Zaid Khan says:

    Nice Picture

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