We are working on the capability to enable users to incorporate their own data into SkyView to take advantage of the geometry engine and image processing tools that SkyView offers. User data can be shared in the SkyView-In-A-Jar application and be included on the SKyView Query Form or the user may choose to keep the data private.
The current iteration of the user interface is below. Users have the option to create a new survey or edit a previously submitted survey. At this time data uploaded must be FITS files or compressed archives of FITS files. The simplest upload requires only the survey name and a listing of the files. More survey details can be added in the Optional Information and the Metadata Information sections.
Once a survey has been uploaded and auto-validated users will be able to see their data immediately in SkyView or later by logging in again. If the user has chosen to make the survey public it will appear on the general Query Form after being checked by SkyView staff.
This new feature should be available sometime this summer.