V3.1.2 released. Fixes to Mellinger survey

Version 3.1.2 of SkyView has been released.

Three bugs all related to the Mellinger optical surveys have been fixed in this latest release. All relate to use of the the Mellinger data. The errors were present only in images of less than 30 degrees and should not have affected all-sky images. Since release 3.0.0 the high resolution data was improperly scaled. Mellinger data is byte-scaled to values from 0-255, but values > 127 had 256 subtracted from them, so the high values were showing up as negative values. Since June 2012 the red and blue Mellinger high resolution data were transposed. Finally, due to a formatting error in the survey description file, users could not use the default values for the size (in degrees) of the field of view. The query failed without producing any image. Any queries which specified a field of larger than 30 degrees on a size should not have been affected by these problems.

We apologize for the errors which should have been caught by our regression tests — these have been updated. Many thanks for Ignacio Cisneros for graciously but persistently pointing out the problems.

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2 Responses to V3.1.2 released. Fixes to Mellinger survey

  1. San says:

    Not able to calibrate and my sky moves at fast speed after new update . I phone 5 . Please help I miss my sky view app

  2. Laura says:

    Hi San,
    The SkyView website at http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov is currently not associated with any iOS app. We did not create the app you are referring to. You should probably check the App store to reach the company that created it.
    I hope this helps,

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