We have just released SkyView Version 3.1.1 which has a number of new surveys in the north and south GOODS regions.
With this release SkyView includes GOODS data from the following
- Space Observatories:
- Chandra ACIS
- Hubble ACS
- Hubble NICMOS
- Spitzer MIPS
- Spitzer IRAC
- Herschel
- Ground Observatories:
- APEX LABDOCA sub-millimeter bolometer
- NOAO Mayall Telescope
- Subaru
- Hawaii 2.2 m
A total of 33 distinct survey datasets of the GOODS regions including data in the radio, millimeter, infrared, optical, ultraviolet and X-ray regimes are available.
Please let us know of any other GOODS survey data the you would like to see incorporated into SkyView.
This release also includes a bug fix in the handling of the GLS projection. The GLS is simply a shifted version of the SFL projection, but the shift was not being properly accommodated in the projection. The APEX-LABDOCA survey uses this projection, but it had not been used before in any SkyView survey nor is it offered as an output choice. However users who downloaded the jar and tried to add local data in the GLS projection would have encountered the problem.