Class ImagePlus

  extended by ij.ImagePlus
All Implemented Interfaces:
Measurements, java.awt.image.ImageObserver
Direct Known Subclasses:
BMP_Reader, ColorPicker, DICOM, FITS, LutLoader, PGM_Reader, Zip_Reader

public class ImagePlus
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.awt.image.ImageObserver, Measurements

This is an extended image class that supports 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit (real) and RGB images. It also provides support for 3D image stacks.

See Also:
ImageProcessor, ImageStack, ImageWindow, ImageCanvas

Field Summary
 boolean changes
          True if any changes have been made to this image.
static int COLOR_256
          8-bit indexed color
static int COLOR_RGB
          32-bit RGB color
static int GRAY16
          16-bit grayscale (unsigned)
static int GRAY32
          32-bit floating-point grayscale
static int GRAY8
          8-bit grayscale (unsigned)
protected  int height
protected  java.awt.Image img
protected  ImageProcessor ip
protected  boolean locked
 double pixelDepth
 double pixelHeight
 double pixelWidth
 boolean sCalibrated
 java.lang.String unit
 java.lang.String units
protected  int width
protected  ImageWindow win
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
Fields inherited from interface ij.measure.Measurements
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an uninitialized ImagePlus.
ImagePlus(java.lang.String pathOrURL)
          Constructs an ImagePlus from a TIFF, BMP, DICOM, FITS, PGM, GIF or JPRG specified by a path or from a TIFF, DICOM, GIF or JPEG specified by a URL.
ImagePlus(java.lang.String title, java.awt.Image img)
          Constructs an ImagePlus from an AWT Image.
ImagePlus(java.lang.String title, ImageProcessor ip)
          Constructs an ImagePlus from an ImageProcessor.
ImagePlus(java.lang.String title, ImageStack stack)
          Constructs an ImagePlus from a stack.
Method Summary
static void addImageListener(ImageListener listener)
 void close()
          Closes this image and sets the pixel arrays to null.
 void copy(boolean cut)
          Copies the contents of the current selection to the internal clipboard.
 void copyScale(ImagePlus imp)
          Copies the calibration of the specified image to this image.
 ImageStack createEmptyStack()
          Returns an empty image stack that has the same width, height and color table as this image.
 ImagePlus createImagePlus()
          Returns a new ImagePlus with this ImagePlus' attributes (e.g.
 LookUpTable createLut()
          Creates a LookUpTable object corresponding to this image.
 void createNewRoi(int sx, int sy)
          Starts the process of creating a new selection, where sx and sy are the starting screen coordinates.
 void draw()
          Draws the image.
 void draw(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Draws image and roi outline using a clip rect.
 void flush()
          Sets the image arrays to null to help the garbage collector do its job.
 int getBitDepth()
          Returns the bit depth, 8, 16, 24 (RGB) or 32.
 Calibration getCalibration()
          Returns this image's calibration.
static ImagePlus getClipboard()
          Returns the internal clipboard or null if the internal clipboard is empty.
 int getCurrentSlice()
          Returns the current stack slice number or 1 if this is a single image.
 int[] getDimensions()
          Returns the dimensions of this image (width, height, nChannels, nSlices, nFrames) as a 5 element int array.
 FileInfo getFileInfo()
          Returns a FileInfo object containing information, including the pixel array, needed to save this image.
 Calibration getGlobalCalibration()
          Returns the system-wide calibration, or null.
 int getHeight()
 int getID()
          Returns this image's unique numeric ID.
 java.awt.Image getImage()
          Returns the current AWT image.
 ImageStack getImageStack()
          Returns the base image stack.
 int getImageStackSize()
          If this is a stack, return the number of slices, else return 1.
 Calibration getLocalCalibration()
          Returns this image's local calibration, ignoring the "Global" calibration flag.
 java.lang.String getLocationAsString(int x, int y)
          Converts the current cursor location to a string.
 ImageProcessor getMask()
          For images with irregular ROIs, returns a byte mask, otherwise, returns null.
 int getNChannels()
          Returns the number of channels.
 int getNFrames()
          Returns the number of frames (time-points).
 int getNSlices()
          Returns the image depth (number of z-slices).
 FileInfo getOriginalFileInfo()
          Returns the FileInfo object that was used to open this image.
 int[] getPixel(int x, int y)
          Returns the pixel value at (x,y) as a 4 element array.
 ImageProcessor getProcessor()
          Returns a reference to the current ImageProcessor.
 java.util.Properties getProperties()
          Returns this image's Properties.
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String key)
          Returns the property associated with 'key'.
 Roi getRoi()
 java.lang.String getShortTitle()
          Returns a shortened version of image name that does not include spaces or a file name extension.
 ImageStack getStack()
          Returns the image stack.
 int getStackSize()
          If this is a stack, return the number of slices, else return 1.
 long getStartTime()
          Returns the time in milliseconds when startTiming() was last called.
 ImageStatistics getStatistics()
          Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the standard measurement options (area, mean, mode, min and max).
 ImageStatistics getStatistics(int mOptions)
          Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the specified measurement options.
 ImageStatistics getStatistics(int mOptions, int nBins)
          Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the specified measurement options and histogram bin count.
 ImageStatistics getStatistics(int mOptions, int nBins, double histMin, double histMax)
          Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the specified measurement options, histogram bin count and histogram range.
 java.lang.String getTitle()
          Returns the image name.
 int getType()
          Returns the current image type (ImagePlus.GRAY8, ImagePlus.GRAY16, ImagePlus.GRAY32, ImagePlus.COLOR_256 or ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB).
 int getWidth()
 ImageWindow getWindow()
          Returns the ImageWindow that is being used to display this image.
 void hide()
          Closes the window, if any, that is displaying this image.
 boolean imageUpdate(java.awt.Image img, int flags, int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Used by ImagePlus to monitor loading of images.
 boolean isInvertedLut()
          Returns true is this image uses an inverting LUT that displays zero as white and 255 as black.
 boolean isProcessor()
 void killProcessor()
 void killRoi()
          Deletes the current region of interest.
 void killStack()
 boolean lock()
          Locks the image so other threads can test to see if it is in use.
 boolean lockSilently()
          Similar to lock, but doesn't beep and display an error message if the attempt to lock the image fails.
 void mouseMoved(int x, int y)
          Displays the cursor coordinates and pixel value in the status bar.
 void paste()
          Inserts the contents of the internal clipboard into the active image.
static void removeImageListener(ImageListener listener)
 void repaintWindow()
          Calls draw to draw the image and also repaints the image window to force the information displayed above the image (dimension, type, size) to be updated.
 void restoreRoi()
 void saveRoi()
 void setActivated()
          Called by ImageWindow.windowActivated().
 void setCalibration(Calibration cal)
          Sets this image's calibration.
 void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
          Sets current foreground color.
 void setDimensions(int nChannels, int nSlices, int nFrames)
          Sets the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions, where nChannels*nSlices*nFrames must be the same as the stack size.
 void setFileInfo(FileInfo fi)
          Saves this image's FileInfo so it can be later retieved using getOriginalFileInfo().
 void setGlobalCalibration(Calibration global)
          Sets the system-wide calibration.
 void setIgnoreFlush(boolean ignoreFlush)
          Set ignoreFlush true to not have the pixel data set to null when the window is closed.
 void setImage(java.awt.Image img)
          Replaces the AWT image, if any, with the one specified.
 void setProcessor(java.lang.String title, ImageProcessor ip)
          Replaces the ImageProcessor, if any, with the one specified.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Adds a key-value pair to this image's properties.
 void setRoi(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Creates a rectangular selection.
 void setRoi(java.awt.Rectangle r)
          Creates a rectangular selection.
 void setRoi(Roi roi)
          Assigns the specified ROI to this image and displays it.
 void setSlice(int index)
          Activates the specified slice.
 void setStack(java.lang.String title, ImageStack stack)
          Replaces the stack, if any, with the one specified.
 void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
          Sets the image name.
protected  void setType(int type)
 void setWindow(ImageWindow win)
          This method should only be called from an ImageWindow.
 void show()
          Opens a window to display this image and clears the status bar.
 void show(java.lang.String statusMessage)
          Opens a window to display this image and displays 'statusMessage' in the status bar.
 void startTiming()
          Calls System.currentTimeMillis() to save the current time so it can be retrieved later using getStartTime() to calculate the elapsed time of an operation.
 java.lang.String toString()
 void trimProcessor()
          Frees RAM by setting the snapshot (undo) buffer in the current ImageProcessor to null.
 void unlock()
          Unlocks the image.
 void updateAndDraw()
          Updates this image from the pixel data in its associated ImageProcessor, then displays it.
 void updateAndRepaintWindow()
          Calls updateAndDraw to update from the pixel data and draw the image, and also repaints the image window to force the information displayed above the image (dimension, type, size) to be updated.
 void updateImage()
          ImageCanvas.paint() calls this method when the ImageProcessor has generated new image.
 void updateStatusbarValue()
          Redisplays the (x,y) coordinates and pixel value (which may have changed) in the status bar.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int GRAY8
8-bit grayscale (unsigned)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int GRAY16
16-bit grayscale (unsigned)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int GRAY32
32-bit floating-point grayscale

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int COLOR_256
8-bit indexed color

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int COLOR_RGB
32-bit RGB color

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public boolean changes
True if any changes have been made to this image.


public double pixelWidth
Obsolete. Use GetCalibration().


public double pixelHeight
Obsolete. Use GetCalibration().


public double pixelDepth
Obsolete. Use GetCalibration().


public java.lang.String unit
Obsolete. Use GetCalibration().


public java.lang.String units
Obsolete. Use GetCalibration().


public boolean sCalibrated
Obsolete. Use GetCalibration().


protected java.awt.Image img


protected ImageProcessor ip


protected ImageWindow win


protected int width


protected int height


protected boolean locked
Constructor Detail


public ImagePlus()
Constructs an uninitialized ImagePlus.


public ImagePlus(java.lang.String title,
                 java.awt.Image img)
Constructs an ImagePlus from an AWT Image. The first argument will be used as the title of the window that displays the image. Throws an IllegalStateException if an error occurs while loading the image.


public ImagePlus(java.lang.String title,
                 ImageProcessor ip)
Constructs an ImagePlus from an ImageProcessor.


public ImagePlus(java.lang.String pathOrURL)
Constructs an ImagePlus from a TIFF, BMP, DICOM, FITS, PGM, GIF or JPRG specified by a path or from a TIFF, DICOM, GIF or JPEG specified by a URL.


public ImagePlus(java.lang.String title,
                 ImageStack stack)
Constructs an ImagePlus from a stack.

Method Detail


public boolean lock()
Locks the image so other threads can test to see if it is in use. Returns true if the image was successfully locked. Beeps, displays a message in the status bar, and returns false if the image is already locked.


public boolean lockSilently()
Similar to lock, but doesn't beep and display an error message if the attempt to lock the image fails.


public void unlock()
Unlocks the image.


public void draw()
Draws the image. If there is an ROI, its outline is also displayed. Does nothing if there is no window associated with this image (i.e. show() has not been called).


public void draw(int x,
                 int y,
                 int width,
                 int height)
Draws image and roi outline using a clip rect.


public void updateAndDraw()
Updates this image from the pixel data in its associated ImageProcessor, then displays it. Does nothing if there is no window associated with this image (i.e. show() has not been called).


public void repaintWindow()
Calls draw to draw the image and also repaints the image window to force the information displayed above the image (dimension, type, size) to be updated.


public void updateAndRepaintWindow()
Calls updateAndDraw to update from the pixel data and draw the image, and also repaints the image window to force the information displayed above the image (dimension, type, size) to be updated.


public void updateImage()
ImageCanvas.paint() calls this method when the ImageProcessor has generated new image.


public void hide()
Closes the window, if any, that is displaying this image.


public void close()
Closes this image and sets the pixel arrays to null.


public void show()
Opens a window to display this image and clears the status bar.


public void show(java.lang.String statusMessage)
Opens a window to display this image and displays 'statusMessage' in the status bar.


public void setActivated()
Called by ImageWindow.windowActivated().


public java.awt.Image getImage()
Returns the current AWT image.


public int getID()
Returns this image's unique numeric ID.


public void setImage(java.awt.Image img)
Replaces the AWT image, if any, with the one specified. Throws an IllegalStateException if an error occurs while loading the image.


public void setProcessor(java.lang.String title,
                         ImageProcessor ip)
Replaces the ImageProcessor, if any, with the one specified. Set 'title' to null to leave the image title unchanged.


public void setStack(java.lang.String title,
                     ImageStack stack)
Replaces the stack, if any, with the one specified. Set 'title' to null to leave the title unchanged.


public void setFileInfo(FileInfo fi)
Saves this image's FileInfo so it can be later retieved using getOriginalFileInfo().


public ImageWindow getWindow()
Returns the ImageWindow that is being used to display this image. Returns null if show() has not be called or the ImageWindow has been closed.


public void setWindow(ImageWindow win)
This method should only be called from an ImageWindow.


public void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
Sets current foreground color.


public boolean isProcessor()


public ImageProcessor getProcessor()
Returns a reference to the current ImageProcessor. If there is no ImageProcessor, it creates one. Returns null if this ImagePlus contains no ImageProcessor and no AWT Image.


public void trimProcessor()
Frees RAM by setting the snapshot (undo) buffer in the current ImageProcessor to null.


public void killProcessor()


public ImageProcessor getMask()
For images with irregular ROIs, returns a byte mask, otherwise, returns null. Mask pixels have a non-zero value.


public ImageStatistics getStatistics()
Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the standard measurement options (area, mean, mode, min and max).


public ImageStatistics getStatistics(int mOptions)
Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the specified measurement options.


public ImageStatistics getStatistics(int mOptions,
                                     int nBins)
Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the specified measurement options and histogram bin count. Note: except for float images, the number of bins is currently fixed at 256.


public ImageStatistics getStatistics(int mOptions,
                                     int nBins,
                                     double histMin,
                                     double histMax)
Returns an ImageStatistics object generated using the specified measurement options, histogram bin count and histogram range. Note: for 8-bit and RGB images, the number of bins is fixed at 256 and the histogram range is always 0-255.


public java.lang.String getTitle()
Returns the image name.


public java.lang.String getShortTitle()
Returns a shortened version of image name that does not include spaces or a file name extension.


public void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
Sets the image name.


public int getWidth()


public int getHeight()


public int getStackSize()
If this is a stack, return the number of slices, else return 1.


public int getImageStackSize()
If this is a stack, return the number of slices, else return 1.


public void setDimensions(int nChannels,
                          int nSlices,
                          int nFrames)
Sets the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions, where nChannels*nSlices*nFrames must be the same as the stack size.


public int getNChannels()
Returns the number of channels.


public int getNSlices()
Returns the image depth (number of z-slices).


public int getNFrames()
Returns the number of frames (time-points).


public int[] getDimensions()
Returns the dimensions of this image (width, height, nChannels, nSlices, nFrames) as a 5 element int array.


public int getType()
Returns the current image type (ImagePlus.GRAY8, ImagePlus.GRAY16, ImagePlus.GRAY32, ImagePlus.COLOR_256 or ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB).

See Also:


public int getBitDepth()
Returns the bit depth, 8, 16, 24 (RGB) or 32. RGB images actually use 32 bits per pixel.


protected void setType(int type)


public void setProperty(java.lang.String key,
                        java.lang.Object value)
Adds a key-value pair to this image's properties.


public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String key)
Returns the property associated with 'key'. May return null.


public java.util.Properties getProperties()
Returns this image's Properties. May return null.


public LookUpTable createLut()
Creates a LookUpTable object corresponding to this image.


public boolean isInvertedLut()
Returns true is this image uses an inverting LUT that displays zero as white and 255 as black.


public int[] getPixel(int x,
                      int y)
Returns the pixel value at (x,y) as a 4 element array. Grayscale values are retuned in the first element. RGB values are returned in the first 3 elements. For indexed color images, the RGB values are returned in the first 3 three elements and the index (0-255) is returned in the last.


public ImageStack createEmptyStack()
Returns an empty image stack that has the same width, height and color table as this image.


public ImageStack getStack()
Returns the image stack. The stack may have only one slice. After adding or removing slices, call setStack() to update the image and the window that is displaying it.

See Also:
setStack(java.lang.String, ij.ImageStack)


public ImageStack getImageStack()
Returns the base image stack.


public int getCurrentSlice()
Returns the current stack slice number or 1 if this is a single image.


public void killStack()


public void setSlice(int index)
Activates the specified slice. The index must be >= 1 and <= N, where N in the number of slices in the stack. Does nothing if this ImagePlus does not use a stack.


public Roi getRoi()


public void setRoi(Roi roi)
Assigns the specified ROI to this image and displays it. Any existing ROI is deleted if roi is null or its width or height is zero.


public void setRoi(int x,
                   int y,
                   int width,
                   int height)
Creates a rectangular selection.


public void setRoi(java.awt.Rectangle r)
Creates a rectangular selection.


public void createNewRoi(int sx,
                         int sy)
Starts the process of creating a new selection, where sx and sy are the starting screen coordinates. The selection type is determined by which tool in the tool bar is active. The user interactively sets the selection size and shape.


public void killRoi()
Deletes the current region of interest. Makes a copy of the current ROI so it can be recovered by the Edit/Restore Selection command.


public void saveRoi()


public void restoreRoi()


public FileInfo getFileInfo()
Returns a FileInfo object containing information, including the pixel array, needed to save this image. Use getOriginalFileInfo() to get a copy of the FileInfo object used to open the image.

See Also:
FileInfo, getOriginalFileInfo(), setFileInfo(ij.io.FileInfo)


public FileInfo getOriginalFileInfo()
Returns the FileInfo object that was used to open this image. Returns null for images created using the File/New command.

See Also:
FileInfo, getFileInfo()


public boolean imageUpdate(java.awt.Image img,
                           int flags,
                           int x,
                           int y,
                           int w,
                           int h)
Used by ImagePlus to monitor loading of images.

Specified by:
imageUpdate in interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver


public void flush()
Sets the image arrays to null to help the garbage collector do its job. Does nothing if the image is locked or a setIgnoreFlush(true) call has been made.


public void setIgnoreFlush(boolean ignoreFlush)
Set ignoreFlush true to not have the pixel data set to null when the window is closed.


public ImagePlus createImagePlus()
Returns a new ImagePlus with this ImagePlus' attributes (e.g. spatial scale), but no image.


public void copyScale(ImagePlus imp)
Copies the calibration of the specified image to this image.


public void startTiming()
Calls System.currentTimeMillis() to save the current time so it can be retrieved later using getStartTime() to calculate the elapsed time of an operation.


public long getStartTime()
Returns the time in milliseconds when startTiming() was last called.


public Calibration getCalibration()
Returns this image's calibration.


public void setCalibration(Calibration cal)
Sets this image's calibration.


public void setGlobalCalibration(Calibration global)
Sets the system-wide calibration.


public Calibration getGlobalCalibration()
Returns the system-wide calibration, or null.


public Calibration getLocalCalibration()
Returns this image's local calibration, ignoring the "Global" calibration flag.


public void mouseMoved(int x,
                       int y)
Displays the cursor coordinates and pixel value in the status bar. Called by ImageCanvas when the mouse moves. Can be overridden by ImagePlus subclasses.


public void updateStatusbarValue()
Redisplays the (x,y) coordinates and pixel value (which may have changed) in the status bar. Called by the Next Slice and Previous Slice commands to update the z-coordinate and pixel value.


public java.lang.String getLocationAsString(int x,
                                            int y)
Converts the current cursor location to a string.


public void copy(boolean cut)
Copies the contents of the current selection to the internal clipboard. Copies the entire image if there is no selection. Also clears the selection if cut is true.


public void paste()
Inserts the contents of the internal clipboard into the active image. If there is a selection the same size as the image on the clipboard, the image is inserted into that selection, otherwise the selection is inserted into the center of the image.


public static ImagePlus getClipboard()
Returns the internal clipboard or null if the internal clipboard is empty.


public static void addImageListener(ImageListener listener)


public static void removeImageListener(ImageListener listener)


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object