On Tuesday Dec. 13, 2016, we updated SkyView to v3.2.2 in order to include the new HI4PI radio survey. This dataset is the atomic neutral hydrogen (HI) column density map derived from HI4PI (|Vlsr| < 600 km/s). It includes the Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey (EBHIS) of the northern sky but completes the sky coverage with the addition of southern sky data from Parkes.
Note that a previously-downloaded jar file of v3.2.1 should still pick up this new survey automatically. This update also includes some changes to the internal meta data handling, but this should be transparent to users.
We have been noticing a very brightly lit object in the Central Arkansas with the naked eye from the Arkansas River, seemingly over Perry County Arkansas, it seems to move sometimes, and can become dimmer at times. Through binoculars it looks like there are clusters of smaller lights around one brighter light? People have offered several theories about why this appeared so suddenly and what it’s for. We first noticed it around the end of Jan. 2017 but it may have been there earlier. There were also reports and pics posted on social media of another similar object in Faulkner County Arkansas on the East side of Conway AR in Jan. 2017 Any input/feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You
Hello WE,
I’m afraid we cannot help with this sort of transient localized phenomenon. You might try the http://heavens-above.com/ site, or even just check in the local news if something has been going on in that area.
Hello WE,
I’m afraid we cannot help with this sort of transient localized phenomenon. You might try the http://heavens-above.com/ site, or even just check in the local news if something has been going on in that area.