We’re getting ready to release the next version of SkyView. The only significant change is an update to the WISE datasets which will now point to the All-WISE data release. This provides significantly deeper coverage in some areas and bands but is structurally similar to the previous data sets. Since we’ll be building up the All-WISE data available in our caches, WISE retrievals may be a little slower on average for a while since the base images will more frequently need to be downloaded from the IRSA archive. To access the All-WISE data from the SkyView-in-a-Jar you will need to download the latest jar file.
We’ll be making this the default release shortly (within the day), but if you can’t want you can get the the new release as: http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/v3.1.10
For more information on the All-WISE data see this summary at IRSA.
If you have any questions or concerns or suggestions for new surveys please let us know.
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