Next week we hope to begin releasing a whole new set of surveys in SkyView. These surveys are from the GOODS regions — the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey. Two regions of the sky (northern and southern hemispheres), relatively devoid of stars, were selected for very deep observations by HST, Chandra, Spitzer and many other space and ground observatories. To make the surveys as deep as possible, only a tiny fraction of the sky (a few hundred arcminutes) are in the official GOODS regions, but some instruments have larger fields of view.
The GOODS data reflect a new approach for SkyView. We’ll be providing access to smaller regions and perhaps soon to non-survey observational data.
You can get a taste of the new data by looking our next version of SkyView. Look for the group of surveys labeled GOODS. Remember to enter coordinates in the GOODS regions. We’re in the process of testing right now. Here’s a color image (with something like real color) using Hubble ACS data of the Hubble deep field. Galaxies near and far predominate, with only a relative scattering of stars.
It really is great to see that we can peer this far into the world beyond. Technology has delivered such rapid advances that you have to wonder where it will all take us in the end.
Hubble Deep Field, or how metric expansion of universe has been proved. Now Hubble starts to become old but we have to thank him for soon 30 years of good and loyal services, it changed the idea we have of our universe. I look forward the next discoveries NASA next technologies will lead to !