SkyView system downtime scheduled for October 27-28

A significant downtime is  planned for the weekend of October 27-28 to upgrade computer facilities.  HEASARC/SkyView services may be down for a substantial fraction of the weekend.

The downtime will start at 12:00pm EST Saturday October 27 and will last for about 24 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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5 Responses to SkyView system downtime scheduled for October 27-28

  1. Rui Branco says:

    Any change in the web structure of the HEASARC / SkyView ?

    Rui Branco

  2. Laura says:

    Hello Rui,

    No, this is just a facilities upgrade. The web sites will not change. Let us know if you have further questions.

  3. Rui Branco says:

    Hello Laura,
    I was with some fear. Currently I develop a client for “another purpose”
    it accesses the Skyview via URL to adjust the parameters.
    Thanks for the info.

    Rui Branco

  4. ignacio cisneros says:

    Hi, who can I have a voice conversation, with?

    regarding augmented products.

    I have been a SkyView user for 15 years. I have learned much about the galaxy through combining IRAS and DSS Products. NowI am performing the same trans spectral images with the WISE data

    I would like to send the team at Sky view some samples: to whom should I adress my contribution?


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