I’ve been at the International Virtual Observatory Alliance meeting in Trieste Italy this week. SkyView has had a bit of visibility here. The WorldWideTelescope use of SkyView surveys was prominently mentioned in Jonathan Fay’s presentation on the WWT, and SkyView was also prominent in the Virtual Observatory Integration and Mining (VIM) software developed at Caltech that was discussed by Roy Williams.
SkyView both uses and supports the Virtual Observatory. Users can get data from SkyView using the VO’s Simple Image Access Protocol (SIAP). SkyView gets information for catalog overlays using the VO Cone Search. If you would like to set up an SIAP, the SkyView distribution provides support for this too.
13:40:32.768 are co-ordinates for a star located in the constitution of Virgo. I was hoping if you could do me a favour and find some info about it.
The coordinates you have specified do not seem to be complete. Star coordinates typically have two parts that can be used to determine the position in the sky. If you send us the coordinates we can help you generate an image of the star using SkyView.