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Category Archives: Announce
SkyView V3.2.3 Beware the Ides of March!
Over the next few days (as early as noon 3/15) the SkyView servers will be transitioning to requiring secure HTTP, i.e., HTTPS, URLs to access SkyView services. This is part of a mandated transition of all NASA (and indeed all … Continue reading
SkyView update: v3.2.2 including HI4PI data
On Tuesday Dec. 13, 2016, we updated SkyView to v3.2.2 in order to include the new HI4PI radio survey. This dataset is the atomic neutral hydrogen (HI) column density map derived from HI4PI (|Vlsr| < 600 km/s). It includes the … Continue reading
Posted in Announce, releases, Uncategorized
SkyView v3.2.0 Preview: Summary
Next week we will be releasing version 3.2.0 of SkyView. You can play with it right now if you specify the version v3.2.0 in the SkyView URL, but it’s still being tested. There are several major changes in this release … Continue reading
A Bit of a Speed Bump: V3.1.21
We have released a new version of SkyView (V3.1.21) which includes changes in the way we gather meta data for image generation. When we build SkyView we now create a single hash file which associates all survey names and aliases with the appropriate survey descriptions. … Continue reading
AKARI and TGSS ADR1 in SkyView: V3.1.20
Two new surveys sets have been added to the next release of SkyView (v3.1.20): Four new infrared all-sky surveys taken by the AKARI FIS (wavelengths between 60 and 160 microns) are now available. We have also added the TGSS ADR1 … Continue reading
SkyView Hardware Update
Last week SkyView was updated with new hardware. The SkyView interface should look the same but behind the scenes this update may add a bit more speed to queries but will mostly provide a more robust computing environment, more space for caching query … Continue reading
Skyview V3.1.16: Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey
We have just released a new version of SkyView which adds the Effelsberg-Bonn HI survey: measuring the HI column density for the entire sky north of -6 declination with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity. Look for the EBHIS survey in the … Continue reading
SkyView release v3.1.12
We have released SkyView v3.1.12 with 2 enhancements! This new version adds social network sharing options to the SkyView Image Gallery and a helpful option to the Overlays section of the main SkyView Query form. Facebook and Twitter Share buttons are now displayed with … Continue reading
SkyView v3.1.8 with GALEX DR7 released.
A new version of SkyView, v3.1.8, has been installed as the default version. The significant change from the user perspective is that the GALEX DR7 is included. New data is mostly in the NUV. To access these data through SkyView-in-a-Jar … Continue reading
SkyView V3.1.4: GALEX update, Memory fix
A user (thanks Steve U!) brought to our attention a problem with the GALEX survey in SkyView. SkyView uses the GALEX archive at MAST and only retrieves files when a user first requests data in a region. We keep files … Continue reading