Crab Pulsar Images
The following apply to all images:
- Image size(pixels): 300 x 300
- Image Center: 5 34 34.94, + 22 00 37.60
- Coordinate System: Equatorial
- Map projection: Gnomonic
Gamma Ray data
- Survey: EGRET >100 MeV
- Image size(degrees): 50.0 x 50.0
- Crab is in the center. The pulsar Geminga is off to the left.
Xray data
- Survey: PSPC 2.0 Deg-Inten
- Image size(degrees): 1.25 x 1.25
Optical data
- Survey: Digitized Sky Survey
- Image size(degrees): .142 x .142
Infrared data
- Survey: IRAS 100 micron
- Image size(degrees): 4.0 x 4.0
Radio data
- Survey: VLA NVSS (1.4 Ghz)
- Image size(degrees): 1.25 x 1.25
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