DSS: Original Digitized Sky Survey


Image color table:graphical
Image scaling: Log, values range from 398.0 to 15766.0
Image size(degrees): 0.028444444 x 0.028444444
Image size(pixels): 2000 x 2000
Requested Center: 02 50 23.66 , 23 57 40.6
Requested Center:42.59858333333334, 23.961277777777777
Coordinate System: J2000.0
Map projection: Tan
Sampler: NNSampler
Provenance:Data taken by ROE and AAO, CalTech, Compression and distribution by Space Telescope Science Institute.
Copyright:STScI, ROE, AAO, UK-PPARC, CalTech, National Geographic Society.
Full copyright notice

Created: 2012-07-04 17:37:29