2MASS-K: Two Micron All Sky Survey (K-Band)


Image color table:graphical
Image scaling: Log, values range from -34.582522883066474 to 622.7508063042137
Image size(degrees): 0.08333331000000001 x 0.08333331000000001
Image size(pixels): 1200 x 1200
Requested Center: 51.08070754822791,49.860734149646326
Coordinate System: J2000.0
Map projection: Arc
Sampler: Clip
Provenance:The Two Micron All Sky Survey is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation.

Created: 2019-01-23 00:08:59