--- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:03]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.3286 -75.7936 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-J projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-J 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=94.3286,-75.7936&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 Number of candidate source images is 4. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 4 candidates selected. Retrieving remote URL: https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu:443/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im?ds=asky&atdir=/ti02&dh=981204s&scan=087&name=ji0870174.fits Processing 1st candidate image #1 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058745997550.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058745997550.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:15: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:15]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.3286 -75.7936 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Red projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Red Number of candidate source images is 6. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 6 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058757750368.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058757750368.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:17: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:18]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.3286 -75.7936 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 130 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Blue projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Blue Number of candidate source images is 6. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 6 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058760112533.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058760112533.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:30: runquery.pl: 0 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:30]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.6545 -67.0209 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-K projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-K 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=63.65449999999999,-67.0209&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 2 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #0 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058631981809.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058631981809.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:33: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:33]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.8322 -77.0537 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-K projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-K 10/2/2018 15:2:34: runquery.pl: 0 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=94.8322,-77.05370000000002&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:34]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.6545 -67.0209 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-J projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-J 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=63.65449999999999,-67.0209&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 Processing 1st candidate image #1 Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 2 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #0 Processing 2nd candidate image #0 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058635883942.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058635883942.fits Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058775962384.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058775962384.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:38: runquery.pl: 0 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:38]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.6545 -67.0209 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Red projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on 10/2/2018 15:2:38: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Red --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:38]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.8322 -77.0537 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-J projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Number of candidate source images is 8. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 8 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #6 Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-J 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=94.8322,-77.05370000000002&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058639990999.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058639990999.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:39: runquery.pl: 0 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:39]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: Survey = DSS Return = FITS Equinox = 2000 Size = 150.00000,69.23077 Projection = Tan position = 297.27243,49.15192 Pixels = 1521,702 Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS 10/2/2018 15:2:40: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:40]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.6545 -67.0209 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 130 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Blue projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Blue Number of candidate source images is 4. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 4 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058641746675.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058641746675.fits Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 Processing 1st candidate image #1 Processing 2nd candidate image #0 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058780732021.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058780732021.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:43: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:43]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.8322 -77.0537 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Red projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Red Number of candidate source images is 5. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 5 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058785842501.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058785842501.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:46: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:46]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.8322 -77.0537 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 130 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Blue projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Blue Number of candidate source images is 5. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 5 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058788469104.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058788469104.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:54: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:54]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: scaling = Linear pixels = 500 Position = 8:25:4.89,35:0:41.07 coordinates = J2000 survey = DSS2 Red lut = colortables/blu-grn-red-yel.bin projection = Tan Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Red Number of candidate source images is 1469. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 Number of candidate source images is 6. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 6 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058796212015.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058796212015.fits 10/2/2018 15:2:58: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:02:58]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.7491 -66.9159 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-K projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-K 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=63.74909999999999,-66.91589999999998&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 Number of candidate source images is 4. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 3 of 4 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Processing 2nd candidate image #0 Processing 3rd candidate image #2 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058659995573.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058659995573.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:3: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:03]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.7491 -66.9159 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-J projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-J 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=63.74909999999999,-66.91589999999998&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 Number of candidate source images is 4. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 3 of 4 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Processing 2nd candidate image #0 Processing 3rd candidate image #2 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058664750238.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058664750238.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:7: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:07]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.7491 -66.9159 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Red projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Red Number of candidate source images is 8. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 8 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #6 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058669511537.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058669511537.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:10: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:10]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.7491 -66.9159 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 130 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Blue projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Blue Number of candidate source images is 4. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 4 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058671769664.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058671769664.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:14: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:14]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.6697 -75.1423 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-K projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-K 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=94.66969999999999,-75.14229999999999&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 Number of candidate source images is 3. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 3 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #1 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058816589113.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058816589113.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:18: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:18]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.6697 -75.1423 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-J projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-J 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=94.66969999999999,-75.14229999999999&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 10/2/2018 15:3:20: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:20]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: size = imscale = survey = DSS,H-Alpha Comp,SHASSA H,SHASSA CC,WISE 12,WISE 22 NWINDOW = on position = 06 38 29.9176, +00 42 35.183 float = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS Number of candidate source images is 7. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 7 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #2 Number of candidate source images is 3. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 3 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #1 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058820797509.jpg Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_1.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058820797509.fits Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_1.fits Processing survey:H-Alpha Comp Number of candidate source images is 3. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 2 of 3 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #2 Processing 2nd candidate image #1 10/2/2018 15:3:23: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_2.jpg --- Starting CGIInitiator --- Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_2.fits [2018-10-02 15:03:23]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Processing survey:SHASSA HParameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.6697 -75.1423 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Red projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Red Number of candidate source images is 18. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 2 of 18 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #4 Number of candidate source images is 6. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 6 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #2 Processing 2nd candidate image #15 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_3.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_3.fits Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058825224292.jpg Processing survey:SHASSA CC Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058825224292.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:25: runquery.pl: 4 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 Number of candidate source images is 18. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 2 of 18 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #4 10/2/2018 15:3:25: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 Processing 2nd candidate image #15 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:25]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.6697 -75.1423 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 130 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Blue projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on [2018-10-02 15:03:25]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_4.jpg Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.5996 -66.0803 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-K projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Blue Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_4.fits Processing survey:WISE 12 SIAP request URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/ibe/sia/wise/allwise/p3am_cdd?POS=99.62465666666667,0.7097730555555534&SIZE=0.16039799999999996 timeout is 15000 Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-K Number of candidate source images is 6. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=63.59960000000001,-66.08029999999997&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 1 of 6 candidates selected. Timeout is:15000 Processing 1st candidate image #2 Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 Processing 1st candidate image #1 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058827946565.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058827946565.fits FindImage-Pixels found:93710 of 1067742 Rectangles:6000 8% complete Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 Retrieving remote URL: https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu:443/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im?ds=asky&atdir=/ti03&dh=000302s&scan=016&name=ki0160257.fits Processing 2nd candidate image #0 Processing 1st candidate image #0 Retrieving remote URL: https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu:443/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im?ds=asky&atdir=/ti03&dh=000302s&scan=016&name=ki0160267.fits Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_5.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_5.fits Processing survey:WISE 22 SIAP request URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/ibe/sia/wise/allwise/p3am_cdd?POS=99.62465666666667,0.7097730555555534&SIZE=0.16039799999999996 timeout is 15000 Processing 2nd candidate image #1 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058687666300.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058687666300.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:41: runquery.pl: 4 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 Processing 1st candidate image #0 [2018-10-02 15:03:41]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.5996 -66.0803 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-J projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-J 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=63.59960000000001,-66.08029999999997&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 Processing 2nd candidate image #1 Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 Retrieving remote URL: https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu:443/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im?ds=asky&atdir=/ti03&dh=000302s&scan=016&name=ji0160257.fits FindImage-Pixels found:107747 of 1067742 Rectangles:7000 10% complete Processing 1st candidate image #0 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_6.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058682439646_6.fits Retrieving remote URL: https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu:443/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im?ds=asky&atdir=/ti03&dh=000302s&scan=016&name=ji0160267.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:50: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:50]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: scaling = Linear pixels = 500 Position = 3:38:41.32,28:36:5.86 coordinates = J2000 survey = DSS2 Red lut = colortables/blu-grn-red-yel.bin projection = Tan Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Red Number of candidate source images is 4. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 4 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #0 Processing 2nd candidate image #1 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058703264084.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058703264084.fits Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058852338198.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058852338198.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:53: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:53]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.5996 -66.0803 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Red projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Red Number of candidate source images is 6. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 6 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #4 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058714791978.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058714791978.fits 10/2/2018 15:3:55: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:03:55]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 63.5996 -66.0803 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 130 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = DSS2 Blue projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:DSS2 Blue Number of candidate source images is 4. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 4 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #3 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058717297332.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058717297332.fits 10/2/2018 15:4:9: runquery.pl: 2 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:04:09]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.7559 -73.8823 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-K projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-K 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=94.7559,-73.88230000000001&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 10/2/2018 15:4:10: runquery.pl: 4 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:04:11]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 65.3957 -66.6692 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-K projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-K 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=65.3957,-66.66920000000002&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000 Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 1 of 2 candidates selected. Processing 1st candidate image #0 Creating quicklook image: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058731341850.jpg Opening FITS file: ../../tempspace/fits/skv6058731341850.fits Number of candidate source images is 2. Processing subset tile:1 of 1 Retrieving remote URL: https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu:443/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im?ds=asky&atdir=/ti03&dh=000302s&scan=017&name=ki0170044.fits FindImage-Pixels found:123743 of 1067742 Rectangles:8000 11% complete 10/2/2018 15:4:14: runquery.pl: 4 processes: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 --- Starting CGIInitiator --- [2018-10-02 15:04:14]: >>> Starting CGI timer 3600000 Parameters: resolver = SIMBAD-NED scaling = Log Position = 94.7559 -73.8823 gridlabels = 0 coordinates = J2000 lut = colortables/b-w-linear.bin Deedger = _skip_ float = on pixels = 220 grid = _skip_ Sampler = _skip_ survey = 2MASS-J projection = Tan CatalogIDs = on Imager starting v3.4.0. Processing survey:2MASS-J 2MASS SIAP URL:http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia?POS=94.7559,-73.88230000000001&SIZE=0.08555553160000001 Timeout is:15000